Finding the Tikvah in Grit

Angela Duckworth claims to have found the formula for success in her book Grit : “talent x effort = skill skill x effort = achievement” (Duckworth, 2016). Grit is the combination between passion and perseverance. In this post you will learn how grit applies to Tikvah for Parkinson, and how you can grow grit in your own life to accomplish your goals. In the “paragons of Grit” interviewed by Duckworth, grit develops in a particular order: First comes interest . Passion is connected to enjoying what you do, even if some aspects of your work are less attractive than others. The people who work for Tikvah for Parkinson have an interest in helping other people. Debbie Shapiro herself began the organization because she felt passionate about offering alternatives and a holistic service for the people with Parkinson in Jerusalem, with an emphasis in the Orthodox c...